In 1835, Sir William Thatcher embarked on a journey to uncover the truth about an unearthly place concealed by the unwelcoming landscapes of the grid. Mentioned only in the whispers of old story tellers and wayfarers, this place of menacing wonder and ill-peculiarity came to be known as the Black Lagoon. As legend had it, it was a place forgotten by time and neglected by nature -- a fractured part of reality's grid in which all possibility and potential were as endless as only human imagination would allow.
From the very moment of their acquaintance with the legend of the Black Lagoon, untutored but highly educated historians turned to adventurers, immediately cursed with a mission driven by obsessive curiosity and an inexplicable temptation to revive this long-lost legacy. But the success of any such efforts laid strictly at the hand of the merciless forces that possessed fearless men to make the ultimate sacrifice for the chance to transform imagination to reality.
As the consequence of a journey uninvited and thus inevitably doomed to ruin, Sir Thatcher’s final testimony will forever remain unknown and any evidence or record of his story is a fabricated version of the truth. But the symbolic nature of the Black Lagoon lives on, represented by its boundless form and infinite potential. And with it, the search continues… for the ones that seek inspiration and those determined to inspire; for the ones that desire creativity and those impelled to create; but most importantly, for the visionaries willing to push the envelope of possibility and the innovators for whom the search expands beyond the boundaries of the imaginable.